How To Set Up Your Continuity Program In One Day
What they’re really saying is they’re scared.
It’s nice to have that, “One day I’ll start a membership and get loads of subscribers and make a fortune” mentality.
It’s safe. Comfortable. Easy. Because someday never comes, does it?
But if you ‘re going to start your continuity program by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, then that is truly scary.
“What??! I’m not ready!”
But you can get ready, and you can do it in a day. First, you need a good idea for your continuity program. Something like...
• How to make a fortune on Amazon
• How to build a six-figure business from your email list
• SEO for people who are terrified of SEO
• How to get offline clients
• And so forth
These are all online marketing ideas, but this works in whatever niche you’re in as long as people are spending money.
• How to take 10 strokes off your golf game
• How to make money in commodities
• Survivalist training for the coming catastrophe
• Travel the world for a few bucks a day
You get the picture. Find your big idea, the one that people will PAY for.
Then cut off all distractions and create your content for the first month. You can write it, record it or whatever.
Write your sales letter, too. In fact, you might want to write the sales letter first, since it will get you excited to create the content.
That’s it. You’ve got the sales letter and the content and now you’re going to launch.
No, you don’t need six months of content. In fact, that would be a bad thing, and here’s why:
You’re going to ask your new subscribers what they want to know next. You will never be stuck for ideas because your subscribers will tell you what they want. And because they get to participate in the process, they will stick with you longer, too.
How cool is that?
Create a Facebook Group for your membership so people can easily communicate with you. And use the group to get new subscribers, too. That’s right, your group pulls double duty, getting new people exposed to your membership and getting current members to talk it up and give you ideas.
Your refunds will be low and your retention rate will be high because your readers will never be disappointed in the content. After all, they get to choose it.
I know a gal who does this for a DOZEN topics and she is KILLING it. She makes an obscene amount of money doing this, charging just a small amount to subscribe to any one of her memberships but getting tons of subscribers who stick with her month after month, year after year.
The key is picking a great topic and then being responsive to reader’s requests. It’s that simple. And I know people will say it can’t be that easy, and they won’t do it. But for those that do, it’s a fun way to make some serious ongoing cash each month.
Drip feed the content so there’s something new each week or maybe twice a week. Keep your subscribers engaged and feeling very much like they are part of a community, and they will never leave.
And one more thing: Once you’ve got a decent amount of content, consider repurposing it. Turn it into books and courses and lead magnets and articles and so forth. Otherwise it will just get old and out of date sitting in the member’s area. There is no reason not to profit from it.
Of course, you’ve got to wait a bit to repurpose it. My rule is once it’s 3 months old, it’s fair game to reuse. This way your paying subscribers get access to it for three months before anyone else.
Also, only allow access to content they’ve paid for. For example, if someone joins your continuity program in month 12, they get access to month 12 and every month thereafter that they remain active. They don’t get months 1 through 11. But you can offer them a paid upgrade to get that content, too, if you like.
This is a great way to make extra money and build your list of buyers. Because don’t forget, you can market other products inside your membership area, and even on your Facebook Group.
I don’t care if you’re brand new to internet marketing. You can start one of these a month for six months, and then you can quit your job and work from anywhere you have an internet connection.
Published by ProBizTips