But... I Don’t Know How!
“I want to start my own blog and list build but I don’t know how.”
“I want to create a product but I don’t know how.”
I want to [insert whatever it is you want to do] but I don’t know how.”
Well guess what... neither did every single person who did it for the first time.
But you’re got to take the leap anyway, and take it on faith that you will land on your feet.
Figuring things out on the fly is a learned skill.
And the more often you take the leap – any leap – without knowing exactly where you’re going to land, the better you get at it. Plus, each time makes you better equipped to leap
again and again and again.
Learning to operate at a high level within unknown scenarios is more valuable than learning a specific set of skills for a specific situation.
Prepare yourself mentally for being unprepared.
You can never anticipate the exact skills you will need until you need them. In fact, you don’t know what you don’t know until you find out you don’t know it.
You’re going to hit road blocks. Expect them. And expect to crash through those roadblock to the other side, too.
Expect challenges. Expect setbacks. They are coming for you, so be prepared mentally.
Go in fighting, not retreating. Keep your eye on the goal and nothing will stop you...
...but if you look only at the obstacles, you will never get far. Don’t stop now.
When they tell you to seize the day, they don’t mean tomorrow – they mean TODAY.
Take the leap, because you got this!
Published by ProBizTips