Cashing In On Annual Cash Cows
But there is another kind of fun you could be having with holidays, and that’s MAKING money with them.
Quick example: I know a bloke who earns $10,000 in about two week’s time every Halloween. He’s got a fairly simple site that doesn’t need much updating, but every October he gets a sudden influx of traffic and lots of Adsense cash and Amazon commissions.
Then his site pretty much just sits idle for the next 11 months or so, until he gets another rush.
Are you getting the idea? No, I’m not saying you should build a Halloween site or Christmas site. Those terms are competitive and you’ll have to be good at SEO to rank.
But there are tons of other, smaller holidays, festivals and events that you can take advantage of. These are events that don’t have a lot of websites, making it far easier to rank.
Regional events are even easier than national events, and it’s where you might get started. Pick a holiday or event you’re really enthusiastic about, and build a site with advice, tips, local info, fan articles, restaurants and so forth.
Then monetize your site with Adsense, affiliate links, Amazon products or whatever is appropriate.
Your little sites might not bring in $10,000 each year, but even a few thousand would be fun. And suppose you have several of these sites for several different events? It’s possibly the easiest SEO you’ll ever do, since the competition is so low. And getting a prime URL for each one should be easy, too.
This is a somewhat untapped niche that you could totally rock out if you have a mind to. And what a great hobby, too.
Start with something local that draws a lot of people and expand from there. In a few months you might have a handful of websites, each bringing you a sudden and substantial cash influx for a few days per year. Not a bad side business.
Published by ProBizTips